Sunday, October 28, 2012

Physical and psychological torturing and enticement of Baloch political prisoners to confess against Molavi Abdolhamid

Molavi Abdolhamid, Iranian Baloch Sunni Leader
According to the reports received by the “Human Rights and Democracy Advocates in Iran” the Baloch fellow political prisoners in torture chambers of the Intelligence Ministry (IM) have been put under pressure through physical and psychological tortures as well as subornation to confess against the Sunni leader of Sistan and Balochistan province, southeast of Iran.     
Almost most of the Baloch political prisoners in Zahedan prison undergo brutal physical and psychological tortures by the interrogators to confess against Molavi Abdolhamid. The IM interrogators normally fasten the political prisoners to a bed called the “miracle bed”, tie his hands and feet and put electric shocker on the sensitive parts of the prisoner’s body for prolonged periods of time; biting by the cable, prolonged hanging, denuding the prisoners and filming of them, threatening them for arresting their mother, sister, spouse, children and father and torturing them before the eyes of the prisoner and numerous other tortures.          
During these barbaric tortures the prisoner is asked to assume the responsibility of the operations occurred in the province and state that Molavi Abdolhamid had been the commander and encouraging figure behind such actions    
The IM interrogators and especially Mohammad MArziyeh, General Attorney of Zahedan, call the political prisoners who are supposed to be executed the next day and propose them that they would be released immediately if they repeat in front of the TV camera what the interrogators dictate. From these prisoners was Abdolbaset Rigi, the freedom fighter martyr who was recently executed. Several previously executed political prisoners had received such proposition before.   
From the most notably officials who play major role in bloody suppression of the Balochi people and execution of the Baloch fellow political prisoners and plotting against Molavi Abdolhamid, Mohammad MArziyeh, General Attorney of Zahedan, Colonel Zakeri, one of the security officials of the province, Commander Bashir Ahmad Rigi (who is said to be the 4th in security officials’ ranking of the Province) and Mahgoli, the branch 1 head of Zahedan Revolutionary Court can be mentioned. Mahgoli issues all the death sentences and heavy punishments that are issued against the Baloch political prisoners.      
Human Rights and Democracy Advocates in Iran condemns torturing and enticement of the Baloch fellow political prisoners to confess against the Sunni leader, Molavi Abdolhamid for the purpose of case building and damaging this religious and political figure. We urge the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights to refer Ali Khamenei’s case to the international courts for trial.   
Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran
October 28, 2012
The above report was sent to the following organizations:
-UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
-UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
-UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights
-Amnesty International

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