Thursday, November 15, 2012

And Nobody Knew Sattar!

November 14, 2012
By an unknown guest in Farsi;
Translated into English by: Peymaneh Shafai‎

But all those who worked for Parand Power Plant Co., new Sattar for his slick hair cut! I knew Sattar very closely nearly about 8 years ago! He was like the others, not a hero nor a coward, very ordinary, simple! That's why when I saw his picture on one of my friends face book, I got shocked! How did he know Sattar?! It was like a replay of a movie in my mind! Sattar was hired as a custodian in PP company. He might have been different in some aspect , and similar in many ways to others: completely ordinary. His reading habits on his break might have been different from what we had expected. Or time to time, when there was extra food despite the custom of taking the extras home, he would share it amongst the other workers, despite the fact that his mom was sick and he needed to take the food home himself! One of our disputes was not to wipe the teacups with the same dusting napkins! As far as I remember, he never gave up that habit! I left that plant, but after a year I went back for inspections and I saw him in the cable gallery! Surprise to see him, I asked: "what are you doing here?!"  He said Sire: "I am not a custodian anymore; I became an electrical worker. I want to study and go to technical institute." I told him that was a great idea, "how did you come up with this decision?" "I realized I have to work harder to pay for all of my mother's expenses. That's why I like to get ahead. I want to be able to support myself and my mother fully. That's why I want to progress in my goals and become important....."

I will never forget him, RIP... " 

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